Positive News

Other Resources:

Audio: DataPoint: The kids who are building an airplane [in Yerucham] (28’32”), The Taub Center, November 11, 2019

An entrepreneurial ethos, The Economist Intelligence Unit, September 2019

Israel’s culture of ambition is driving outsized innovation in Tel Aviv

Hope is Israel’s Renewable Source of Innovation by Robert Goldberg, The Times of Israel, December 15, 2016

Hatikvah – the Hope – is not just Israel’s anthem. It is the renewable energy fueling entrepreneurship.

Why Israel Is a Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Inbal Arieli

Why Israel Is a Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Israel, the US and the development of driverless cars by Boaz Golany, The Jerusalem Post, September 1, 2016

Where do leading US companies go to seek the technologies they need to stay in the race?

Israeli startup freezes breast tumors, i24 News, June 21, 2015: Minimally invasive system is used for small, early-stage tumors

Israeli Universities Do More With Less by Jeffrey Richard, The Times of Israel, June 3, 2015

Taking Inclusion To A Larger Level by Howard Blas, The Jewish Week, February 12, 2015: IDF enlisting soldiers with Down syndrome and other significant disabilities

Caisse and Claridge join to invest in Israeli tech by Robert Gibbens, Montreal Gazette, February 11, 2015

The Next Big Thing: India-Israel Defense Start Ups by Vijeta Uniyal, Algemeiner, February 11, 2015

IDE’s Israel seawater RO desalination plant sets world record for water production, WaterWorld, February 10, 2015

Turkish-Israeli trade booms despite bitter rhetoric against Israel by Salim Avci, Today’s Zaman, February 7, 2015

Ride On’s augmented reality ski goggles (video, 0”56”), Wireless Minute, January 28, 2015 (see also this clip, 2’55”)

Israeli WaterGen gadget pulls drinking water from thin air by Maurice Picow, Green Prophet, January 27, 2015

Video: Kay Wilson & Mohammad Zoabi (2’25”), i24 News, January 22, 2015

12 Israeli Technologies Changing the Lives of the Disabled in 2015 by Zach Miller, Forbes, January 20, 2015

A Zionist Dream Come True by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, January 7, 2015

My Vegan Adventures in Israel: The People, Places & Food by Emily von Euw, This Rawsome Vegan Life, January 5, 2015

IDF Paramedic Honored for Saving Syrians, Times of Israel, May 10, 2014

Video: “Great in Uniform”: Special-Needs Soldiers in the IDF (5’36”), April 2014

Video: 24Hr Israel (1’55”), April 2014

Israeli military one of the world’s most LGBT friendly, report says by Brian Schaefer, Haaretz, February 22, 2014

Breakfast before the MOOC by Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, February 18, 2014

Arab-Israeli professor from the Technion offers the first ever massive open online course (MOOC) on nanotechnology in Arabic, drawing interest and participation from around the Middle East.

Video: Sunshine Across Israel (3’43”), February 5, 2014

Video: Inventing Health: Israeli Innovations in Life Sciences – Part 1 (5’26”), Oct 22, 2013, and Part 2 (4’55), November 2013

Video: Made in Israel—Medicine (11’36”), September 5, 2013

Video: Flight simulation perfects brain surgery (3’20”), CNN, May 2013

The Israeli Defence Forces: first for women by Nick Hopkins, The Guardian, July 9, 2012

Though the Israeli military has a very macho image, the IDF is the most progressive in the world – when measured in terms of gender equality, at least.

Telling Israel like it is — in Arabic by Philippe Assouline, The Times of Israel, October 17, 2012

Israel a ‘prisoners’ paradise,’ says American cable series by Matt Lebovic, The Times of Israel, September 15, 2012

Start-Up Nation

MSNBC’s ‘Lockup: World Tour’ visits the Jewish State and passes an encouraging verdict

The Israeli Defence Forces: first for women by Nick Hopkins, The Guardian, July 9, 2012

Though the Israeli military has a very macho image, the IDF is the most progressive in the world – when measured in terms of gender equality, at least.

Video: Israel – Small but Outstanding (5’59), April 2012