Media & Manipulation


NYT coverage of Israel-Hamas war is imbalanced, study finds by Mathilda Heller, The Jerusalem Post, February 19, 2025

Edit wars over Israel spur rare ban of 8 Wikipedia editors — from both sides by Asaf Elia-Shalev, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, January 23, 2025

Questionable Counting: Analysing the Death Toll from the Hamas-Run Ministry of Health in Gaza by Andrew Fox, Henry Jackson Society, December 13, 2024 (see also Media Study’s Shocking Results: 97% of Gaza War Reports Only Cite Hamas Sources by Anna Epshtein, TPS-IL/The Press Service of Israel, December 15, 2024)

Wikipedia has it out for Israel, and we’ve got the data to prove it by Neil Seeman and Jeff Ballabon, National Post, November 18, 2024

Our analysis raises the spectre that the system is too readily gamed by those with a sharp axe to wield.

The media is implementing Sinwar’s genocidal strategy by Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Stein, Jewish News Syndicate, October 31, 2024

The “dead baby strategy” requires that the media report Hamas-generated civilian casualty figures uncritically and without investigation.

How Wikipedia’s Pro-Hamas Editors Hijacked the Israel-Palestine Narrative by Ashley Rindsberg, Pirate Wires, October 24, 2024

Journalists With Hamas Ties: A Running List of HonestReporting’s Top Exposures Since Oct. 7, HonestReporting, October 7, 2024

As the Israel-Hamas war reaches its 12-month milestone, HonestReporting looks back at the Gazan journalists we’ve exposed during the year over their ties to Hamas and other terrorist groups.

Jewish community organisations endorse report providing troubling evidence of systematic failures by BBC to provide fair news coverage, Board of Deputies of British Jews, September 30, 2024

The media war against Israel by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, September 12, 2024

Partisan journalists may have subverted American democracy, but over Israel, they have blood on their hands.

The Asserson Report – The Israel-Hamas War and the BBC by Hadar Sela, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), September 9, 2024 (full report)

Wikipedia’s Jewish Problem by Izabella Tabarovsky, Tablet, July 24, 2024

The site seems to be intentionally trafficking in disinformation related to Jews, Israel, and Zionism.

The Biggest Media Scandal of the Era Has Arrived by Seth Mandel, Commentary, June 7, 2024 (see also Takeaways from AP analysis of Gaza Health Ministry’s death toll data by Josef Federman, AP, June 7, 2024)

Has the New York Times backed down from covering Hamas’s sexual crimes? by Lilac Sigan, The Jerusalem Post, May 24, 2024

Previous studies show criticism of the Hamas attack vanished from the NY Times. New Data suggests that this apathy also applies to Hamas’s sexual violence.

The Mainstream Media Is Biased Against Israel. I Know, I Was Part of It by Josh Levs, Newsweek, May 7, 2024

The Real Reason Al Jazeera Faces Suspension in Israel by Seth Mandel, Commentary, April 2, 2024 (see also Al Jazeera should report, not inflame, the Gaza war by Hussain Abdul-Hussain, House of Wisdom, March 27, 2024)

The Stunning, Dystopian Strategy Behind Hamas’ Media Machine by Nachum Kaplan, Future of Jewish, March 26, 2024

The terror group has had great success controlling the West‘s narratives about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite most of it being outright lies. It is worth analyzing how they achieved this.

Has Israel Gone Too Far? by Zachary Thacher, Thacher Report, March 17, 2024

Or is the mainstream press incapable of reporting this war?

The devastating Hamas weapon of war by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, November 30, 2023

The BBC and other Western media outlets are far more than mere useful idiots.

Failing the Hamas Litmus Test by Richard Landes, Quilette, October 25, 2023

The inflammatory Al-Ahli hospital hoax shows that much of the Western media remains compulsively addicted to dangerous and self-defeating war journalism.

The grave danger of media bias by Adam Milstein, The Jerusalem Post, August 20, 2023

Misinformation matters because media outlets have great power. They shape the way we understand the world and, ultimately, drive our behavior.

Mainstream Media: Not Antisemitic but Blind to Jewish Concerns by Yaakov Katz, Sapir, Vol. 10, Summer 2023

Calling news organizations committed to diversity to truly uphold that promise.

Unraveling Media Bias: Five Questions to Ask When Reading Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, AJC, July 14, 2023

Challenging the BBC on Israel by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, June 15, 2023

Finally, people are pushing back publicly against the outlet’s lethal distortions.

BBC’s ‘disinformation’ reporter should look at the way they cover Israel by Melanie Phillips, The JC, May 18, 2023

The Corporation is fixated on the view that Israeli aggression drives the action in the Middle East conflict.

Israel’s uphill battle for its reputation by Naveh Dromi,, May 10, 2023

While journalism requires presenting facts and reflecting reality, it seems that when it comes to Israel, professionalism and objectivity go right out the window for many media outlets; spare us your holier-than-thou attitude and cover the facts, even if they do not align with your support for the Palestinians.

Media Miss Mark Following ‘Surgical’ Anti-Terror Raid in Jenin by Akiva Van Koningsveld, HonestReporting, March 8, 2023

When is journalism antisemitic? by Neville Teller, The Jerusalem Post, March 3, 2023 [Review of Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong? Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad. See also Why the whole world is indeed wrong about Israel by Melanie Phillips, February 23, 2023, and associated video, 1:45’]

Prof. Richard Landes diagnoses disturbing trends in the way many media outlets cover Israel.

When Is Terror Not Terror? When the Victims Are Jews by Lilac Sigan, Newsweek, February 15, 2023

Gil Hoffman on New Developments in Media Coverage of Israel by Marilyn Stern, Middle East Forum Webinar, February 13, 2023 (video, 30’31”)

Academic study finds New York Times biased against Israel by Pesach Benson, J-Wire, February 8, 2023

NYT Senses Moment To Demonize Jewish Settlers by Ricki Hollander, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), February 8, 2023

Survey finds ‘disturbing’ anti-Israel coverage by New York Times, Jewish News, February 6, 2023

The negative reporting of Israel rose from 53% during the first 10 months of 2022 to 68% after Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected prime minister.

The Media Bias That Legitimizes Palestinian Terror by Molly Seghi, HonestReporting, January 18, 2023

“One dead, several injured in two explosions in Jerusalem.”

The New York Times’ Orwellian obsession with Israel by Phyllis Chesler, Jewish News Syndicate, January 10, 2023

The Jewish state and Judaism received disproportionate negative coverage throughout 2022.

Video: Operation Breaking Dawn: Three Ways the Media Got It Wrong (6’56”), HonestReporting, August 9, 2022

Zionism Will Survive the Legacy Media by Armin Rosen, Sapir, Vol. 5, Spring 2022 (PDF)

Gray is the new black by Adi Schwartz, Israel Hayom, December 20, 2021

Anyone reading the New York Times can easily see that its distorted coverage of Israel is getting worse. “Every journalist in America thinks he’s Batman, and he’s looking for a Joker to fight. For the New York Times, the Joker is Israel,” says author Ashley Rindsberg.

J Street and New York Times Revises the English Language by Stephen M. Flatow, Jewish News Syndicate, November 2, 2021

What is a “settlement unit”? You mean, an apartment. “Settlement units” is a rhetorical trick and a rhetorical weapon. It’s a way of trying to make Israel look bad when the facts alone won’t accomplish that objective.

NY Times Sells Comical Account of What It Means To Be Israeli by Gilead Ini, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), October 27, 2021

New York Times Pits “Principle” against Powerful “Rabbis” in Iron Dome Vote by Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute, September 28, 2021

Why the Media Is Drawn to Israel by Alex Grobman, Jewish Press, August 4, 2021

The Media in the 2021 Gaza War: The New York Times’ Journalistic Malpractice by Lenny Ben-David, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 648, July 7, 2021

Anti-Israel bias in Gaza war coverage: Mainstream media exposed again by James Sinkinson, Jewish News Syndicate, June 1, 2021

While the media usually likes to think of itself as not being an actual party in the conflict, sometimes the mask slips.

What’s wrong with the NY Times’ report on children’s deaths? So much. by Robert Satloff, The Times of Israel, May 31, 2021

It‘s a one-sided article that obscured whether Hamas was an information source, which deaths were caused by ‘friendly fire,’ and why Israel used force at all

Eight Tips for Reading About Israel by Matti Friedman, SAPIR Journal, Vol. 1, Spring 2021 (see also video, SAPIR Presents: Matti Friedman interview with Bret Stephens, 57’29”)

The NYTimes’ chronic chronology problem by Phyllis Chesler, Arutz Sheva/Israel National News, May 11, 2021

Hamas launched rockets, Israel struck back. Enter the Times: “Israel Hits Gaza with Airstrikes as Hamas Increases Rocket Fire”

Not fit to print: The NY Times on Sheikh Jarrah by Phyllis Chesler, The Jewish Link, May 9, 2021

The courts evicted Arab squatters from the Shimon Hatzaddik homes, and they have appealed. The NY Times, however, has made its own decision before the Supreme Court rules on the case.

Ashley Rindsberg on the New York Times’ False Narrative by Marilyn Stern, Middle East Forum Webinar, May 7, 2021 (includes video, 30’55”; preview of Rindsberg’s book, The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times’ Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History, 2021)

Big Data Helps HonestReporting Lead Efforts to Curb Anti-Israel Palestinian Vaccine Libel, HonestReporting, February 16, 2021

What Time Won’t Tell You About BDS by Tamar Sternthal, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), December 7, 2020

Politico Plays Defense for Anti-Israel Groups by Sean Durns, The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), October 30, 2020

On Oct. 21, 2020 Politico magazine reported that “the Trump administration is considering declaring that several prominent international NGOs — including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Oxfam — are anti-Semitic and that governments should not support them.” The ruling, Politico reporter Nahal Toosi wrote, would come from the U.S. State Department. Yet instead of providing readers with the troubling background of these organizations, Politico played defense for them.

Israel Was Ground Zero for the New Woke Religion by Matti Friedman, Tablet, July 27, 2020

How coverage of the Jewish state became a signifier of the ideological activism that now permeates Western culture

Bari Weiss’s Resignation Letter from the New York Times, July 2020

Does media bias against Israel still matter? by Jonathan S. Tobin, Jewish News Syndicate, May 11, 2020

Media bias may not have turned Americans against Israel, but it has been doing a bang up job of turning Jews against each other for decades.

NY Times Favors Palestinian Narrative on Payments to Terrorists by Gilead Ini, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis, May 11, 2020

What The New York Times got right and wrong about BDS by Andrew Silow-Carroll and Laura E. Adkins, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, July 30, 2019

New York Times’ Halbfinger Doubles Down on Bias, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), June 13, 2019

Understanding the Real Origin of that New York Times Cartoon by Izabella Tabarovsky, Tablet, June 6, 2019

How anti-Semitic Soviet propaganda informs contemporary left anti-Zionism

Review Shows Times’ Institutional Bias Against Israel by David Bernstein, New York Jewish Week, May 14, 2019

A Despicable Cartoon in The Times by Bret Stephens, The New York Times, April 28, 2019

5 Things The New York Times Got Wrong About Anti-Semitism, AJC, April 8, 2019

Media bias questions follow N.Y. Times’ boycott story by Meyer Shimon, WND, April 2, 2019

Qatari-driven influence program becomes focal point

Journalism’s Longest War: The New York Times Versus Zionism and Israel by Edward Alexander, The Algemeiner, March 13, 2019 (A review of Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel: 1896-2016 by Jerold S. Auerbach.)

The Pathological Animus of the New York Times by Melanie Phillips, The Jerusalem Post, January 3, 2019 (see also: A Day, a Life: When a Medic Was Killed in Gaza, Was It an Accident? by David M. Halbfinger, The New York Times, December 30, 2018 and New York Times Ends Year With Epic Smear by Andrea Levin, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, December 31, 2018)

How to Report on the Next War in Gaza by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, July 11, 2018

The five commandments of not falling for fake news and malicious spins

The Cradle of “Fake News” by Daniel Seaman, Mida, May 22, 2018

The epidemic of fake news started here, with the media failure to uphold professional standards of journalism in covering the conflict, as reporting of events last week in Gaza proved.

Stop demonizing Israel for defending itself by Ron Dermer, The Washington Post, May 18, 2018

Falling for Hamas’s Split-Screen Fallacy by Matti Friedman, The New York Times, May 16, 2018

If the most effective weapon in a military campaign is pictures of civilian casualties, Hamas seems to have concluded, there’s no need for a campaign at all. All you need to do is get people killed on camera.

Questions the Press Hasn’t Asked about Violence in Gaza by Noah Rothman, Commentary, May 15, 2018

Video: Is Israel treated differently by the foreign press? The question of group think & ‘Fake News’ (7’23”), Tom Gross interviewed on i24 News, January 25, 2018

The Mainstream Media’s Misdirection on Jerusalem by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, December 13, 2017

Audio: Hunter Stuart Interview (31’58”) by HonestReporting, July 30, 2017

Video: Media, Murder and Israel (1’58”), HonestReporting, June 18, 2017

Why Believing Atrocity Stories About Israel Is Stupid, Even When They’re on CNN. by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, June 14, 2017

How a pro-Palestinian American reporter changed his views on Israel and the conflict by Hunter Stuart, The Jerusalem Post, February 15, 2017

A year working as a journalist in Israel and the Palestinian territories made Hunter Stuart rethink his positions on the conflict.

At the New York Times, Special Words Reserved for Certain Territories by Gilead Ini, The Tower Issue #46, January 2017

The newspaper of record’s guidelines ought to be carefully examined when it comes to Israeli-Palestinian issues.

Video: Mosul, CNN, ISIS an Israel (1’58”), HonestReporting, October 31, 2016

Sorry, ‘New York Times,’ But Israel’s Press Is Doing Just Fine by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, August 1, 2016

Another day, another ridiculous opinion piece in the paper of record

Video series: Eight Categories of Media Bias by HonestReporting: #1 Misleading Terminology (6’19”), April 2, 2016; #2 Imbalanced Reporting (4’43”), May 1, 2016; #3 Opinions Disguised as News (6’48”), June 2, 2016; #4 Missing Context (8’43”), June 30, 2016; #5: Selective Omission (8’21”), July 31, 2016; #6: True Facts, False Conclusions (5’26”), August 29, 2016; #7: Distortion of Facts (6’40”), October 13, 2016; #8: Lack of Transparency (9’24”), December 27, 2016

Should There Be Different Rules for Jews and Muslims at Public Pools? by Yair Rosenberg, Tablet, June 2, 2016

The New York Times opposes women-only swimming hours for Orthodox Jews, but the paper has been silent on the same accommodations for Muslim women

How Does The Media Cover Israel? by Gary Rosenblatt, The Jewish Week, April 6, 2016: “Painstakingly and controversially, based on a two-day conference on news coverage of the Jewish state.”Red Lines: The Eight Categories of Media Bias

The New York Times Wrote About Computer Hackers Charged by the US and Israel. Differently. FirstOneThrough, March 27, 2016

Review of Media Headlines on Palestinian Arab Terror Spree, FirstOneThrough, March 9, 2016

The media is twisting the knife into Israel over the ‘lone wolf intifada’ by Eylon Aslan-Levy, The Telegraph, February 23, 2016

How is Israel supposed to trust the international media when it keeps reporting Palestinian terrorists as if they were innocent victims?

Video: It Really Is Bias: Comparing Anti-Israel Headlines (2’14”), Honest Reporting, February 16, 2016

Foreign Ministry slams CBS’ ‘chutzpah’ for shocking headline by Nitsan Keidar, Arutz Sheva, February 3, 2016

Western Media’s Ignorance and Bias by Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute, January 21, 2016

The Hateful Eight Years by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, January 6, 2016

Frontline’s documentary about Bibi was strange and surreal, just like the foreign policy questions with which it grappled

Media: Palestinian Terror and Israeli Responses Are Morally Equivalent,, December 16, 2015

Reuters: “Palestinian Dies in Ramming Attack,”, November 29, 2015

How The New York Times whitewashes Palestinian terror by Gilead Ini, The New York Post, November 23, 2015

New York Times: No Israeli Victims of Palestinian Terrorism by Phyllis Chesler,, October 7, 2015

Why does the left care more about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism? by Brendan O’Neill, The Spectator, September 9, 2015

Things the Media Won’t Tell You About Israel by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, July 26, 2015

After Israeli video mocks journalists, reporters prove its premise by Gilead Ini, The Times of Israel, June 18, 2015 (see also Israeli Foreign Ministry Video: Doth the Media Protest Too Much?,, June 16, 2015 and the original video, Open your eyes about Gaza, 0’49”)

The Palestinians No One Talks About by Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute, April 29, 2015

How Israel Can Fight Hostile Media by Manfred Gerstenfeld, Arutz Sheva Israel National News, February 20, 2015

Israel-Hostile Associated Press Attacks Again by Richard Behar,, February 14, 2015

The ideological roots of media bias against Israel, Matti Friedman speaking at the BICOM annual dinner, January 26, 2015 (see also video, Matti Friedman on Media Bias Against Israel (5’35”), CNN’s Reliable Sources, August 31, 2014)

West’s anti-Israel propaganda encourages terror by Ben-Dror Yemini,, January 13, 2015

The jihad’s brainwashing machines are not alone; they are backed by the lies against Israel in the media and in the academia

Slide Presentation: Write Letters to the Editor Like an Action Hero!,, December 7, 2014

What the Media Gets Wrong About Israel by Matti Friedman, The Atlantic, November 30, 2014

The news tells us less about Israel than about the people writing the news, a former AP reporter says.

The Conflict and the Coverage by Margaret Sullivan, New York Times, November 22, 2014

New York Times Opinion Bias by the Numbers, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), November 10, 2014

Why the Gaza War Looked Different on Israeli TV Than It Did on CNN by Yonit Levi and Udi Segal, Tablet, October 7, 2014

During the 50 days of the war in Gaza, Israelis, and the rest of the world were watching two completely different wars. In Israel, the country was under attack and it was all happening on live television: The camera leaped between different cities being targeted—showing the rocket’s trajectory from the Gazan border, the subsequent sirens, and civilians taking shelter in Israel and, often, the rocket’s interception by the Iron Dome anti-missile system several minutes later—moments of deep anxiety, followed by relief, over and over, throughout the day. [….]The world showed the war in Gaza, and its effect on Gazans, while on Israeli television Gaza was a sidebar. Thus, while the world castigated Israel for using excessive force, on Israeli television the prime minister was upbraided for not doing enough,

Slide Presentation: Top Five Media Fails, Gaza Conflict Edition, Honest Reporting, September 16, 2014

An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth by Matti Friedman, Tablet, August 26, 2014: A former AP correspondent explains how and why reporters get Israel so wrong, and why it matters (see also rebuttal from former AP bureau chief, and Friedman’s follow-up response, and Matti Friedman’s interview on CNN’s “Reliable Sources”):

The lasting importance of this summer’s war, I believe, doesn’t lie in the war itself. It lies instead in the way the war has been described and responded to abroad, and the way this has laid bare the resurgence of an old, twisted pattern of thought and its migration from the margins to the mainstream of Western discourse—namely, a hostile obsession with Jews. The key to understanding this resurgence is not to be found among jihadi webmasters, basement conspiracy theorists, or radical activists. It is instead to be found first among the educated and respectable people who populate the international news industry; decent people, many of them, and some of them my former colleagues.

The Media Intifada: Bad Math, Ugly Truths About New York Times in Israel-Hamas War by Richard Behar, Forbes, August 21, 2014

Hamas cheerleaders by Eytan Gilboa, Times of Israel, August 14, 2014

Western media coverage of Operation Protective Edge has been deeply biased against Israel

Reporters Have Finally Found Hamas. What Took So Long? by Oren Kessler, The New Republic, August 11, 2014 (see also Foreign Press Association statement, August 11)

The Media’s Role in Hamas’ War Strategy by Richard Landes, The American Interest, August 5, 2014

Hamas’ PR strategy can only work if international news media follows the script, whether willingly or under coercion.

Why Everything Reported from Gaza is Crazy Twisted by Mark Lavie, The Tower Issue 17, August 2014

The images coming out of the Gaza Strip are heart-wrenching. They are also part of a deliberate and sophisticated distortion machine.

Israel, Gaza, War & Data by Gilad Lotan, Medium, August 4, 2014 (see also later correction, These charts show how social media makes the Israel-Palestine debate worse by Zack Beauchamp,, August 7, 2014): “Social networks and the art of personalizing propaganda”

How Stupid Can You Get? Rethinking Israel Is the Way To Find Out by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, August 1, 2014

A new genre of journalism brings up the good, the bad, and the ugly of liberal soul-searching

Fear and trembling: Western media and Hamas by Daniel Schwammenthal, The Commentator, August 1, 2014

We are all aware of the wilful blindness of Western media when reporting on Hamas in Gaza. Though it’s no excuse, what may not be so clear is that many of the journalists are also terrified of telling the truth

The images missing from the war with Hamas by Uriel Heilman, The Times of Israel, August 1, 2014 (see also NYT on why it hasn’t shown photos of Hamas fighters: We don’t have any by Uriel Heilman, JTA, July 31, 2014)

In cooperating with the terrorist organization’s media blackout of its fighters, the international press is only telling half the story

Forty questions for the international media in Gaza by David Bernstein, Washington Post, July 31, 2014

How the Media Is Helping Hamas by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, July 27, 2014

When Journalists Lose Their Moral Compass by Gary Rosenblatt, The Jewish Week, July 23, 2014

Twitter Is Changing How the Media Covers the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Joshua Keating, Slate, July 21, 2014

New York Times’ Parallels Are Forced, And False by Gary Rosenblatt, The Jewish Week, July 16, 2014

Media death count encourages Hamas to use human shields by Alan Dershowitz, Jerusalem Post, July 15, 2014

Israel-Gaza conflict: Social media becomes the latest battleground in Middle East aggression – but beware of propaganda and misinformation by Ian Burrell , The Independent, July 14, 2014

Are #GazaUnderAttack images accurate? BBC News, July 8, 2014

Some of the pictures of violence circulated on the #GazaUnderAttack thread have been found to be recycled images from as long ago as 2007

How a single settlement apartment can be counted eight times by the media by Elder of Ziyon, May 20, 2014

How The New York Times Demonizes the Israeli People by Tamar Sternthal, The Algemeiner, April 2, 2014News

Why Liberals Must Repudiate the BDS Movement by Howard Wohl, The Tower, March 2014

In-Depth Analysis: The New York Times, Washington Post & LA Times by Yarden Frankl, Honest Reporting, March 26, 2014

Another Performance by The Times Trio by Jerold Auerbach, The Algemeiner, February 2, 2014

Israel’s media at war by Mazal Mualem, Al-Monitor Israel Pulse, January 16, 2014

The New York Times: Telling Readers How to Think About Israel by Ricki Hollander, Times of Israel, October 28, 2013

Hitler understood propaganda, so do the Palestinians by Michael Curtis, The Commentator, September 26, 2013

“Faking news has become a Palestinian cottage industry. The most diabolic aspect of Palestinian propaganda is the use of children as stage props. Much Western media is happy to play ball.”

Manufacturing and Exploiting Compassion: Abuse of the Media by Palestinian Propaganda by Philippe Assouline, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 597, September 9, 2013

Another Photo of Syrian Massacre Falsely Recycled as Gaza Tragedy by Anav Silverman,, November 18, 2012

Richard Landes [Analyzes] BBC Tim Sebastien’s tough interview with al Zahar, IsraDocuMentalist, August 3, 2013

The Media’s “Take” on Negotiations by Richard Landes, The Augean Stables, July 31, 2013: “How Palestinian Cogwar has Checkmated Israel in Western Public Opinion”

Muhammad Al-Dura: The boy who wasn’t really killed by Ben Caspit, Jerusalem Post, May 12, 2013 [see also Israel Was Right to Publish Al-Durrah Report by Ben Caspit, Al-MMedia Partisanship & Biasonitor, May 21, 2013, and lots more at The Al Durah Project]

From al Durah to Badawi: Lethal journalism and Palestinian Propaganda’s Manufacturing of Consent by Philippe Assouline, Huffington Post, March 5, 2013

Al-Dura and the tragic legacy of lethal journalism by Richard Landes, The Times of Israel, January 14, 2013

Indicting Israel: New York Times Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, December 5, 2012

Falling for Hamas’s media manipulation by Michael Oren, Washington Post, November 29, 2012

The Secret to Iranian Drone Technology? Just Add Photoshop by Alexander Abad-Santo, The Atlantic Wire, November 28, 2012

Video: Photojournalism Behind the Scenes (8’35”) by Ruben Salvadori, November 2012 (Italian with English Subtitles)

Video: Gaza Photo Fraud (2’47”), Aish, November 22, 2012

The New York Times‘ Embattled Integrity by Sarit Katz, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), July 27, 2012

How media condition people to be anti-Israel by Steve Apfel, Times of Israel, June 11, 2012

Slide presentation: Six Secrets of Media Objectivity, Honest Reporting, May 2012

Defending Israel Against Claims of Excessive Force
Defending Israel Against Claims
of Excessive Force, Honest Reporting,
October 2011 (slide show)

Video: Simon Plosker, Managing Editor of HonestReporting, Interviewed About Media Bias and Israel’s Demonization, Revelation TV [U.K.], March 23, 2012

Viral photo of abusive Israeli soldier called a fake, Los Angeles Times, February 2, 2012

The Muhammad al-Dura Hoax and Other Myths Revived by Nidra Poller, Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011

EXPOSED: Photographer Reveals Market, Not Truth, Behind Conflict Images by Simon Plosker, Honest Reporting, October 10, 2011

Much Mass Media Coverage of Israel-Palestinian Issues Is Propaganda, Not Journalism by Barry Rubin, The Rubin Report, March 20, 2011

B’Tselem Photographer Stages Scene by Yishai Goldflam and Tamar Sternthal, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), March 2, 2011 (updated)

Shattered Lens: Photo Bias Exposed in the Wire Services, Honest Reporting, December 9, 2010

Video: Philippe Karsenty: The al Dura Hoax (1:28’32”), Presentation at Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors,  November 13, 2010

My Battle for the Truth Against the French Establishment, a briefing by Philippe Karsenty, Middle East Forum, October 12, 2010

A Wonderful Graphic Example of Ridiculous Media Bias by Barry Rubin, The Rubin Report, August 17, 2010

Today‘s Example of Ridiculous Media Bias Against Israel by Barry Rubin, The Rubin Report, August 3, 2010

The Al-Dura Hoax: Truth, Finally, May Be Coming by Chris Dreyfus, Pajamas Media, July 13, 2010Which Gets More Coverage?

The Privileged Slander: Why the Media Laps Up The Anti-Israel Lying Campaign by Barry Rubin, The Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, June 27, 2010

Secret Decoder Ring: Understanding How The New York Times Thinks About Israel by Martin Berman-Gorvine, June 2010

Opposing the digital pogrom by Daniel Seaman, Jerusalem Post, March 4, 2010

A Matter of Trust: One story from Gaza and what it says about the coverage of Israel by J.J. Goldberg, Columbia Journalism Review, May/June 2009

The Story You Aren’t Hearing About Israel by Mort Zuckerman, The Huffington Post, April 13, 2009

Israel Losing the Media War: Wonder Why? by Philippe Karsenty, Hudson New York, January 30, 2009 

Gaza vs. Congo: A Tale of Media Double Standards by Eli Bernstein, Pajamas Media, January 17, 2009

Myths and Facts about the Fighting in Gaza by Alex Safian, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), January 8, 2009

Picture: Iran ‘fakes’ missile launch after misfire by Chris Smyth, Times Online [UK], July 10, 2008The Other War

Right of reply: Conspiracy theories and Al-Dura by Richard Landes and Philippe Karsenty, Jerusalem Post, June 11, 2008

Palestinian industry of lies by Danny Seaman,, May 29, 2008 (“Media manipulation has become strategic Arab weapon against Israel”)

A Hoax? by Nidra Poller, Wall Street Journal Europe, May 27, 2008 (about the Al-Dura affair & libel suit)