Empowering the next generation to counter hate by Aya Shechter, eJewishPhilanthropy, January 29, 2025
Antisemitism is anti-American because it contradicts the foundational principles of the United States: liberty, justice and equal opportunity for all. At its core, antisemitism fosters division and discrimination, eroding the fabric of a society built on diversity and mutual respect.
Everyone has a plan to fight antisemitism. Few have studied what actually works. by Asaf Elia-Shalev, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, January 6, 2025 (see also Greenblatt: How the Jewish community can address the post-10/7 ‘inferno’ of antisemitism by Melissa Weiss, Jewish Insider, January 8, 2025
A behavioral social scientist at the Anti-Defamation League is partnering with universities on an ambitious research agenda.
Is anti-Zionism antisemitism? It doesn’t matter by Yossi Klein Halevi, The Times of Israel, December 15, 2024
It is time to shift gears and recognize that the delegitimization of Israel is the greatest threat facing the Jewish people today.
Jewish and Israeli Americans Face Discrimination in the Job Market, ADL, December 4, 2024
The Codification of Anti-Jewish Hiring Policies by Seth Mandel, Commentary, November 29, 2024
‘Never again?’ No by Shoshana Bryen, Jewish News Syndicate, November 12, 2024
Democratic, Western governments have become cowardly and unwilling to defend the liberal principles they promote on paper.
How to win the war being waged against the Jewish people by Misha Galperin and Yossie Hollander, eJewishPhilanthropy, November 7, 2024
By looking at the different fronts and the different strategies at our disposal, Jews can have a better sense of what‘s working and what‘s not in the fight against antisemitism.
Where is the line between antisemitism and legitimate criticism of Israel? by Tom Phillips, The Times of Israel, November 1, 2024
As a UK representative to Israel for years, I know well that Israel isn’t perfect, but I’m also on guard for anti-Jewish animus.
Time for a Reckoning With Antisemitism in the U.S. by Aviva Klompas, Newsweek, October 30, 2024
Curating Courage by Julia Wald, Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR), October 9, 2024
The fight for Jewish creative freedom in an increasingly antisemitic art world.
October 7 Created a Permission Structure for Anti-Semitism by Dara Horn, The Atlantic, October 7, 2024
What American Jews have experienced in the past year is both a pattern and a warning.
Anti-Zionism is just antisemitism misspelled by Daniel Greenfield, Jewish News Syndicate, August 21, 2024
The Jews, being Semites, did not belong in Europe. The Jews, being European, do not belong in Israel. The Jews, being Zionists, do not belong at progressive institutions like Harvard or Columbia. And the Jews, being occupiers, do not belong in London.
The Anti-Semitism Money and Power Network—and How to Smash It by Danielle Pletka, Commentary, July/August 2024
The Causative Relationship Between IHRA and Anti-Palestinian Racism by Naya Lekht, Jewish Journal, July 31, 2024
The relationship between IHRA and APR is one worth exploring, for it highlights how anti-Jewish activists learn from us.
Antisemitism is constantly evolving — social media companies need to as well by Ted Deutch, Forward, July 18, 2024
Meta, who owns Facebook and Instagram, is the only social media company that is preventing ‘Zionist’ from being used as hate speech.
Video: Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism (44’55”) with Dr. Rachel Fish, OneTable, July 18, 2024
Video: Origins of Antisemitism (40’01”) with Dr. Rachel Fish, OneTable, July 11, 2024
Exposing the Vile Antisemitism of the “Pro-Palestinian” Activists by Adam Milstein, The Jerusalem Post, June 23, 2024
Is anti-Zionism antisemitism? by Melanie Phillips, June 19, 2024
The debate in Toronto gripped, appalled, and surprised.
Is it Antisemitic to Celebrate 10/7? by Rafael Medoff, Jewish Journal, June 19, 2024
Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, Israelophobia, and the US Civil-Rights Act by Moshe Y. Vardi, June 17, 2024
A paradigm shift in countering antisemitism: Make American values relevant again by Fern Oppenheim, David Bernstein, and Eran Shayshon, eJewishPhilanthropy, June 14, 2024
The Jewish community’s inability to counter the growing antipathy toward Israel and Jews on college campuses with its current policies compels us to find new strategies and allies.
Draft International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Antisemitism by Ambassador Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs, June 13, 2024
The rise of the protester-terrorist by Benjamin Kerstein, Jewish News Syndicate, June 5, 2024
The first antisemitic mass movement in American history has arisen. There have been antisemitic movements in America before, of course. But never have they been this large, politically influential, violent and explicitly opposed to the fundamental principles of their own society.
Israel must lead the Jewish community in its fight against global antisemitism by Adam Milstein, The Jerusalem Post, May 13, 2024
As the homeland and protector of the Jewish people, Israel must take this proactive measure to combat the rising tide of hatred and prejudice.
Students at Top Universities Call Antisemitism a Problem, Poll Finds by Lauren Camera, U.S. News & World Report, May 13, 2024
Confessions of a Former Antisemite by Amir Pars, Future of Jewish, May 4, 2024
Hopefully my story can help people acknowledge profusely misguided errors of the antisemitic way.
The West is conflating its struggles with Israel and the Jews by Michael Oren, Future of Jewish, April 13, 2024
“Let me get this straight: You’re facing immigration crises, financial and environmental crises, and a war-like Russia on your doorstep, and your harshest debates are about Israel?”
A Guide for the Perplexed: The Surge in Antisemitism amidst the War, Atchalta, April 11, 2024
American Jews Should Become a Little More Israeli by Diana Fersko, Tablet, April 2, 2024
Instead of playing defense, we should learn how to stand up for ourselves better.
Far Right and Far Left Converge — Against the Jews by Rafael Medoff, Jewish Journal, March 25, 2024
The world of antisemitism has become so muddled that it’s almost impossible to tell one from the other.
A Definition of Antisemitism, While Helpful, Is Not a Cure by Menachem Z. Rosensaft, Newsweek, March 25, 2024
The antisemitism crisis is out of control by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, February 15, 2024
In both Britain and America, politics is becoming increasingly distorted.
Why the Most Educated People in America Fall for Anti-Semitic Lies by Dara Horn, The Atlantic, February 15, 2024
At Harvard and elsewhere, an old falsehood is capturing new minds.
On the Hatred of Jews by David J. Wolpe, The Harvard Crimson, December 29, 2023
Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, and Common Sense by Michael J. Koplow, Israel Policy Forum, Koplow Column, December 7, 2023
Debates over the link between antisemitism and anti-Zionism are not going away, but in some ways they are beside the point. Anti-Zionism can be just as noxious as antisemitism, and something need not be antisemitic to be beyond the pale. [….] I can absolutely point to anti-Zionism that I would not dub antisemitic, and I also know that given what is taking place in the streets of cities and on college campuses, this does not seem to be the time to take stands based on theoretical frameworks.
Poll: Most US Jews feel rise in antisemitism, fear Israel-Hamas war to impact safety by Ben Sales, The Times of Israel, November 9, 2023 (see also JFNA Poll: 70% of Jews feel less safe since the war)
Nearly 3 in 10 American Jews know of recent physical acts of violence against community members, most believe hate will continue to spiral.
A War Against the Jews by Michael Oren, The Free Press, October 26, 2023
Hatred of Israel cannot be distinguished from hatred of the Jewish people. Incontestably now, anti-Zionism is antisemitism.
Countering Antisemitism Can’t Wait Until Israel’s Crisis is Resolved by Gerald M. Steinberg, Jewish Journal, September 27, 2023
The NGO-led efforts to weaken and replace the IHRA working definition – the most effective means of countering modern antisemitism – need to be countered effectively before they become dominant.
Israelophobia is the newest form of the oldest hatred by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, September 1, 2023
The distinction between hating Jews and hating Israel is bogus. (Review of Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It by Jake Wallis Simons)
Three Falsehoods About Antisemitism—and One Truth by Bret Stephens, Sapir, Vol. 10, Summer 2023
The real antidote to antisemitism is Jewish thriving. But that isn’t the same as thriving Jews.
Why DEI Programs Can’t Address Campus Antisemitism by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, Sapir, Vol. 10, Summer 2023
They’re too political to help Jewish students.
The Legally Binding Character of The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Anti-Semitism by Kenneth L. Marcus, Lewis & Clark Law Review, Vol. 27, No. 4, August 3, 2023
Biden’s ‘antisemitism strategy’ harms efforts to protect Jews by Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky, The Washington Examiner, June 9, 2023
The Biden administration’s anti-antisemitism travesty by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, June 1, 2023
The IHRA definition has led defenders of the Jewish people down a blind alley.
The Vanishing by Jacob Savage, Tablet, February 28, 2023
The erasure of Jews from American life. changes antisemitism spelling away from ‘anti-Semitism’ by Gabby Deutch, Jewish Insider, February 28, 2023
The online reference service waded into a national debate about the evolving nature of language with its decision to alter the spelling, but not definition, about antisemitism.
The new Jew hatred by Gil Troy, Jewish Journal, November 13, 2022
America’s small Jewish community endures nearly two-thirds of all anti-religious hate crimes annually.
The AAUP [American Association of University Professors] misunderstands antisemitism and why we should support the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), September 8, 2022
Jew-Hatred is on the Rise: 10 Ways to Fight Back by David Harris, The Times of Israel, June 17, 2022
In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism by Jonathan S. Tobin, Jewish News Syndicate, April 8, 2022
Prior to 1948, debates about a Jewish state were common. Today, as a Chicago synagogue proclaims its hostility to Zionism, it means siding with those slaughtering Israelis.
Make no mistake: Anti-Zionism is antisemitism by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, March 20, 2022
Like other peoples the world over, Jews have a right to a state of their own.
To Combat Antisemitism, We Must Oppose Anti-Zionism—at Home and Abroad by Joan Ryan, Newsweek, February 9, 2022
Over 90% of American Jews concerned about antisemitism – survey, The Jerusalem Post, January 21, 2022
94% of American Jews say there‘s at least some antisemitism in the US, while 75% of American Jews believe that there is more antisemitism today in the US than five years ago.
Antisemitism rests on intent not motive. It’s clear from the IHRA Definition by Kenneth S. Stern, The Times of Israel, January 25, 2022
The text we wrote avoids psychoanalyzing perpetrators and simply asks whether victims were selected because of their race, religion or other such category
Over 90% of American Jews concerned about antisemitism – survey, The Jerusalem Post, January 21, 2022
94% of American Jews say there‘s at least some antisemitism in the US, while 75% of American Jews believe that there is more antisemitism today in the US than five years ago.
Good news in the fight against anti-Semitism by Kenneth L. Marcus, Jewish News Syndicate, December 26, 2021
For those who seek silver linings in the dark clouds that gather, here are 10 positives from 2021.
Increased Antisemitism in the United States Following Operation Guardian of the Walls: Permanent or Short-Lived? by Shahar Eilam and Tom Eshed, The Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, November 10, 2021
The state of the Jews has become the Jew of the states by Daniel Gordis, Israel from the Inside, November 1, 2021
The data is increasingly clear: for the Jews, the American left is not likely to be a welcoming home for very much longer. The party of the right isn’t an option for many, either, nor is moving to Israel likely for most. Which leaves only one option—to call out antisemitism, to “know what we see,” and to follow in the footsteps of those Talmudic rabbis who, heartbroken though they were, preferred heartbrokenness to self-delusion.
Hate Is on the Rise: Antisemitism Surges on America’s Far Left and Far Right by Avi Mayer, USA Today, October 26, 2021 (see also Annual State of Antisemitism in America Report, American Jewish Committee, October 25, 2021)
Stop Enabling the Antisemites Who Live Closest to Our Homes by Ammiel Hirsch, Tablet, September 26, 2021
Many of us liberal Jews are not awake to the hatred of our colleagues, students, professors, and thought leaders
Today’s antisemitism is much less dangerous by Dan Schueftan, Israel Hayom, August 31, 2021
While antisemitism and its institutionalization in enlightened society is on the rise, the Jewish people and their nation-state have a proven ability to survive and even flourish in the face of this ancient hatred.
8 Ways Some Anti-Israel Protests Have Spread Antisemitism, AJC, August 24, 2021
When does criticizing Israel veer into antisemitic territory? Well, beating Jews down in the streets and telling them to go back to Israel are two recent examples. As tensions heightened during the conflict between Israel and terrorist groups in Gaza in May, protesters—some maliciously, some unwittingly—employed and spread antisemitic themes and tropes.
Video: Is Criticizing Israel Antisemitic? (9’04”) Unpacked, August 18, 2021
How anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism intersect by William C. Daroff, New York Daily News, July 31, 2021
Nearly 50 years ago, the great Israeli diplomat Abba Eban said: “Classical anti-Semitism denies the rights of Jews as citizens within society. Anti-Zionism denies the equal rights of the Jewish people to their lawful sovereignty within the community of nations. All that has happened is that the discriminating principle has been transferred from the realm of individual rights to the domain of collective identity.”
IHRA – Who Gets to Define Anti-Semitism? by David Brog, Maccabee Task Force, July 27, 2021
It’s Not About Israel by Nevet Basker, Times of Israel, July 11
Criticism of Israel is not Antisemitic. But ‘Anti-Zionism’ is. This is why by Russell A. Shalev, Fathom, July 2021
Anti-Zionism is distinct from critique or criticism of the State of Israel in that it posits that the State of Israel is fundamentally illegitimate and must ultimately be dismantled.
Remarks at the No Fear Rally Against Antisemitism by Andrew Pessin, The Times of Israel, July 13, 2021
The left slides into acceptance of anti-Semitism by Jonathan S. Tobin, Jewish News Syndicate, June 22, 2021
Banning an Israeli food truck at a Philadelphia event shocked some Jewish leftists. But why? Their acceptance of anti-Israel hate has inevitably led to such prejudice
‘Berkeley Model’ for Combating Antisemitism on College Campuses Poised to Go Viral by Gwyneth K. Shaw, Berkeley Law, June 4, 2021 (see also video, Antisemitism Education, 11’14”, Berkeley Hillel, March 18, 2021)
Video: The Mainstreaming of Antisemitism: How Should We Respond? (55’28”), AJC Virtual Global Forum 2021, American Jewish Committee, June 8, 2021
Recognizing Anti Zionist Antisemitism by Russell A. Shalev, International Legal Forum (ILF), May 31, 2021 (PDF)
The New Furies of the Oldest Hatred by Peter Savodnik, Common Sense with Bari Weiss, May 21, 2021
Let us dispense with the fiction, once and for all, that hating the Jewish homeland, which contains the largest Jewish community on Earth, is different from hating Jews.
Anti-Zionism Isn’t Anti-Semitism? Someone Didn’t Get the Memo. by Bret Stephens, The New York Times, May 24, 2021
Associated Press Changes Spelling of ‘Anti-Semitism’ to ‘Antisemitism,’ Joining Leading Experts, The Algemeiner, April 25, 2021
Antisemitism and four travesties of justice by David Harris, The Times of Israel, April 22, 2021
Accommodating the New Antisemitism: a Critique of ‘The Jerusalem Declaration’ by Cary Nelson, Fathom, April 2021
Antisemitism video explainer from UC Berkeley aims to cool campus debate by Gabe Stutman, J. (The Jewish News of Northern California), April 2, 2021 (see also: Berkeley video on anti-Semitism is problematic on many different levels by Mitchell Bard, Jewish News Syndicate, April 14, 2021)
New definitions of anti-Semitism are dangerous by Mark Goldfeder, Jewish News Syndicate, April 1, 2021
Anti-Semites should not get a say in defining anti-Semitism, and the IHRA’s excellent definition of this phenomenon should not be changed to make them feel more comfortable.
A new, better definition of antisemitism by Elder of Ziyon, March 31, 2021 (see also video, A modest proposal for a new definition of antisemitism (17’03”), ISGAP conference, August 2, 2022)
Are Educated People More Anti-Semitic? by Jay P. Greene, Albert Cheng, and Ian Kingsbury, Tablet, March 29, 2021
A new survey shows that a remedy American Jews have put their faith in for the past century may now be spreading the disease
The Anti-Semitic Rhetoric Of Anti-Zionists by Ricki Hollander, The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), March 9, 2021
Combating antisemitism: We need swivel-headed Jews by David Harris, The Times of Israel, February 4, 2021
Look [for antisemitism] in one of three basic directions — far left, far right, and jihadists. Too many in our hyper-partisan world, however, would prefer to shy away from this trifocal analysis.
Steering the Biden administration wrong on anti-Semitism by Kenneth S. Stern, The Times of Israel, December 10, 2020
Of all the crucial steps the new government must take to protect Jews, adopting the IHRA definition I drafted should not be the top priority
Understanding IHRA by Nevet Basker, The Times of Israel, November 30, 2020
Antisemites Deflect Their Own Antisemitism by Richard L. Cravatts, Doc Emet Productions, November 27, 2020
I thought anti-Semitism was a thing of the past. Then I became Jewish. by Kylie Ora Lobell, The Times of Israel, October 18, 2020
When I tell my family I want to move to Israel, they ask why I’d want to move so far away. I tell them I want to survive.
Anti-antisemitism? A Battle Rages Over the Jewish Hyphen by Allison Kaplan Sommer, Haaretz, May 20, 2020
Acclaimed historian Prof. Deborah Lipstadt is leading a fight to lose the hyphen from anti-Semitism, saying its presence ‘completely distorts the meaning of the word’
Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era, ADL, March 2020
Antisemitic Language Is An Ongoing Action by Marcelo Wio, The Times of Israel, February 10, 2020
Israel’s role in the struggle against anti-Semitism by David M. Weinberg, Jewish News Syndicate, January 19, 2020
A plea against ‘anti-Semitism’ by Shulamit S. Magnus, The Times of Israel, December 25, 2019
“The New Anti-Semites”: New Report Uncovers the Dangerous Connection Between BDS and Antisemitism, and Zachor Legal Institute, December 16, 2019
Same old anti-Semitism, different Jews by Yair Lapid, The Times of Israel, November 10, 2019
The hatred is always lurking, using different excuses for the same wicked ends. Today we have a response for it — and it‘s not love
Is denying Israel’s right to exist anti-Semitic? by Daniel Elbaum, The Times of Israel, October 30, 2019 (see also: Survey of American Jews on Antisemitism in America, AJC, October 23, 2019)
Let’s start with the basics: Zionism is the international movement that reestablished a Jewish nation-state in the historic Jewish homeland — Israel. To be a Zionist today is no more or less than to support the right of the Jewish people to self-determination. Anti-Zionism, then, means opposing the continued existence of the one and only Jewish-majority state in the world, whereas, it should be noted, no other nation today has its very right to exist questioned or challenged. Anti-Semitism is a hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.
BDS, Antisemitism and Class by Dr. Alex Joffe, The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,312, October 17, 2019
How anti-Zionists legitimize anti-Semitism by Jonathan S. Tobin, Jewish News Syndicate, July 15, 2019
The fight against anti-Semitism on college campuses must start by properly labeling Israel’s foes as purveyors of hate speech.
Understanding the Real Origin of that New York Times Cartoon by Izabella Tabarovsky, Tablet, June 6, 2019
If anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are not the same, why is the left doing such a poor job of distinguishing between the two? How is it that the side of the political spectrum that makes anti-racism one of the central tenets of its platform repeatedly stumbles into espousing such vile hatred?
Anti-Zionism Worse than Anti-Semitism by David Suissa, Jewish Journal, May 29, 2019
How Anti-Zionism Became Anti-Semitism: A Historical Overview, Mosaic, May 8, 2019
Video: Antisemitism, anti-Zionism, Judaism and Israel (5’57”), Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, April 30, 2019
Anti-Semitism on the Left and Right Brings U.S. Jews Together by Daniel Gordis, Bloomberg, March 29, 2019
At this year’s AIPAC meeting in Washington, familiar disputes about Israel took a back seat to worries that are closer to home.
How Dare Chelsea Clinton Defend The Jews? by James Kirchick, Tablet, March 19, 2019
A run-in at NYU reveals the unavoidable truth: The war for the soul of the left will be fought over anti-Semitism.
Ilhan Omar and the Axis of Antisemitism by Benjamin Kerstein, The Algemeiner, March 10, 2019
New US envoy on anti-Semitism: No distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, Jewish News Syndicate, February 22, 2019
Why such a surge of worldwide antisemitism by Alan Dershowitz, IsraPundit, February 17, 2019
Ilhan Omar and the Power of Clarity by Michael J. Koplow, Israel Policy Forum, Koplow Column, February 14, 2019
How to Criticize Israel Without Being Antisemitic by Emanuel Miller and Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll,, February 14, 2019
When anti-Semitism pretends to be just anti-Israel by Danny Danon, The New York Post, February 7, 2019
Yes, Anti-Zionism Is the Same as Anti-Semitism by David Harsanyi, The Federalist, January 8, 2019
‘Anti-Zionism’ is the predominant justification for violence, murder, and hatred against Jews in Europe and the Middle East. It’s now infiltrating American politics.
Airbnb’s ban on Israeli settlements is shameful by Brendan O’Neill, The Spectator, November 22, 2018
A pervasive false impression by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, November 26, 2018
Jews feel safer in Europe’s conservative east than its liberal west
Antisemitism, and the Inconvenience of Collective Identity by Yehuda Kurtzer, Medium, November 6, 2018
Video: Sounding The Alarm For Anti-Semitism (9’13”), Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, September 2018 (Rosh Hashanah 5779)
What’s in a hyphen? Why writing anti-Semitism with a dash distorts its meaning by Matt Lebovic, The Times of Israel, August 23, 2018
Regularly spelled with a hyphen in American English but without in academia, some experts claim the punctuation mark slashes the word‘s potency
Sorry, Liberals: Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitic by Petra Marquardt-Bigman, Forward, August 7, 2018
How Jewish Progressives Can Stand Up Against Left Anti-Semitism by Carly Pildis, Tablet, May 8, 2018
We must fight progressive anti-Semitism from the inside, before it destroys the social justice movements we helped to build—and alters the core values and political attachments of American Jewry
Abbas’s Speech and the Window into Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism, FirstOneThrough, May 6, 2018
A deceptively skewed vision of hate by Jonathan S. Tobin, Jewish News Syndicate, March 19, 2018
An article in the Sunday New York Times stokes fears of anti-Semitism from the right, yet ignores the more dangerous variety that emanates from the left.
Inclusion for All But the Jews: Mining Academia for Anti-Semitism by Naya Lekht, The Times of Israel, December 3, 3017
The Functions of Anti-Semitism by Ruth R. Wisse, National Affairs No. 33, Fall 2017
Confronting Anti-Semitism: Jews Need Trifocal Lenses by David Harris, The Times of Israel, September 4, 2017
The Left’s Inversion of Anti-Semitism by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, July 12, 2017
The ‘hotbed of anti-Semitism’ isn’t a foreign country. It’s U.S. college campuses, a new report says. by Kristine Phillips, The Washington Post, April 24, 2017
The Israelization of Antisemitism by Monika Schwarz-Friesel, Jehuda Reinharz, The Jerusalem Post, February 16, 2017
In this world, where we are trying to eliminate racism, misogyny, homophobia and more, it is time to include the age-old hatred of Jews as well.
Israel Does Not Cause Anti-Semitism by Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute, February 21, 2017
Five myths about anti-Semitism by Yair Rosenberg, The Washington Post, February 3, 2017
Britain Starting to Punish Anti-Semitism by Michael Curtis, American Thinker, December 20, 2016
Let’s be clear – antisemitism is a hate apart by Howard Jacobson, The Guardian, October 22, 2016
Toward the Next Jewish Rebellion: Facing Anti-Semitism and Assimilation in the Movement by Yotam Marom,, August 9, 2016
When the movement asks us to prove we are Good Jews by taking personal responsibility for everything Israel does, we oblige, and wear our Jewishness full to the brim with shame.
Who’s Afraid of Religious Liberty? By Richard Samuelson, Mosaic, August 1, 2016
Anti-Semitism Is Back. Will You Stand By Or Stand up? by Gabriel Groisman, The Huffington Post, June 23, 2016
Suddenly, mainstream culture is finding cover for the age-old hatred of Jews. They’ve figured it out. So long as the attack is lightly-battered and flash fried in a light coat of anti-Israel sentiment, and as long as you pretend you are fighting for “human rights,” the rise of anti-Semitism is socially acceptable. It shouldn’t be. It’s can’t be. Not again.
Video: Lord Jonathan Sacks: ‘Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism’ (4’41”), BBC Newsnight, June 1, 2016
When Your Liberal Values Need Not Apply by Leora Eisenberg, The Times of Israel, May 26, 2016
On becoming un-assimilated by Rivka Bond, The Times of Israel, May 6, 2016
Video: Howard Jacobson on antisemitism, anti-Zionism and Israel (18’25”), Chris Cook – BBC, May 1, 2016
The Left’s hatred of Jews chills me to the bone by Stephen Pollard, The Telegraph, April 28, 2016
The scourge of anti-Semitic Jews by Barbara Kay, National Post, April 13, 2016
Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism. Get Over It. by Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, April 13, 2016
Irwin Cotler: Laundering Antisemitism Corrupts Our Common Humanity by Andrew Pessin, The Algemeiner, April 4, 2016
“[T]he new antisemitism targets less the individual Jew than the collective Jew — the state of Israel — partly by ascribing to the Jewish state the various nefarious traits antisemites traditionally ascribed to individual Jews, but also by operating under a number of modern forms.”
Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism by Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Newsweek, April 3, 2016
Rejecting Zionist Principles Is a Rejection of Jews by Daniel Gordis, The New York Times, April 4, 2016 (see also Self-Determination Is Crucial for Jews by Benjamin Gladstone, The New York Times, April 4, 2016)
The “fundamental rejection of the idea of a Jewish State [is] by definition the newest form of the centuries-old virus called anti-Semitism. It is illegitimate. It is immoral. And it needs to be stopped.”
Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism by Nevet Basker, The Times of Israel, April 4, 2016
Is the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement Tainted by Anti-Semitism? by Ira M. Sheskin and Ethan Felson, Geographical Review, March 5, 2016
How to Criticize Israel Without Being Antisemitic by Binyamin Arazi, Part 1, February 20, 2016; Part 2, February 26, 2016
Jews know that a boycott is just the beginning by Jonathan Neumann, The Telegraph, February 17, 2016
The anti-Semitic campaign to shun Israeli goods embodies the radicalism that threatens everyone.
Fighting The Hate: When Does Anti-Israel Become Anti-Semitic? by Miriam Elman, Legal Insurrection, January 16, 2016 (includes video, 58’45”); see also Syracuse University Professor Exposes Anti-Semitic Foundations of BDS by A.J. Caschetta, American Thinker, February 25, 2015
Why I Changed My Mind about Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israelism by Joshua Muravchik, Mosaic, December 9, 2015
I once thought it possible to address the world’s turn against Israel without bringing in anti-Semitism. No longer.
New poll: anti-Semitism markedly higher among Muslims in six European Countries by Ilana Shneider, CIJNews, December 25, 2015
Anti-Semites Unwittingly Aid Israel by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, December 17, 2015
The Society That Abandons Its Jews Abandons Itself by Ruth Wisse, Mosaic, October 12, 2015
Why does the left care more about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism? by Brendan O’Neill, The Spectator, September 9, 2015
To Fight Anti-Semites, Jews Must Defend Zionism by Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary, September 4, 2015
The A Word, Divest This, August 21, 2015
Lessons from the past by Judith Bergman, Israel Hayom, June 19, 2015
Anti-Semitism is the Motivation for the BDS Campaign Whose Goal is to Delegitimize Israel by Amb. Freddy Eytan, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, June 7, 2015
“We haven’t shown enough outrage” by David Harris, The Times of Israel, May 31, 2015
The common core of BDS and campus anti-Semitism by Abraham H. Miller, The Hill, May 28, 2015
Video: Robert Wistrich addresses Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism (19’33), May 21, 2015
Obama: Denying Israel’s Right to Exist as a Jewish Homeland is Anti-Semitic by Yair Rosenberg, Tablet, May 22, 2015
Are calls to boycott Israel anti-Semitic? by S.M., The Economist, May 12, 2015
Anti-Semitism Goes to School by Ruth Wisse, Mosaic, May 4, 2015
Anti-Semitism on American college campuses is rising—and worsening. Where does it come from, and can it be stopped?
A Defining Moment for Europe by Daniel Schwammenthal, The Jerusalem Post, April 27, 2015
Me, an anti-Semite? by Mitchell Bard, The Jerusalem Post, April 22, 2015
Poisonous Antisemitism by Eli E. Hertz, Myths and Facts, April 2015
Antisemitism means discrimination and hatred against Jews and Israel. Requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of any other free and democratic state – is antisemitism.
America’s Institutional Enablers of the New Anti-Semitism by Kenneth Levin,, April 22, 2015
Europe’s Wave of Anti-Semitism Can Be Stopped. Here’s How by Benjamin Kerstein, The Tower Issue 24, March 2015
The rising tide of anti-Semitism by Ronald S. Lauder, Jerusalem Post, March 26, 2015
The Anti-Semitism We Never Talk About by Yoram Hazony, The Tower Issue 23, February 2015
European Anti-Semitism Starts from the Top by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, February 11, 2015
Anti-Semitism Report: National Demographic Survey of American Jewish College Students 2014 by Barry A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar, Louis D. Brandeis Center and Trinity College, February 2015
Anti-Semitism is once again on the march in Europe by Richard Cohen, The Washington Post, February 2
The Return of Anti-Semitism by Jonathan Sacks, The Wall Street Journal, January 30, 2015
Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, violence and hatred against Jews is on the rise, especially in the Middle East and among Muslims in Europe.
Do we really mean ‘never again’? by Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, January 29, 2015
Are Jews safe in Europe? by Benjamin Weinthal and Asaf Romirowsky, Philadelphia Inquirer, January 15, 2015
Anti-Semitism in 21st Century Is a Ticking Time Bomb by Bernard-Henri Levy, The New Republic, October 8, 2014
Europe’s Alarming New Anti-Semitism by Jonathan Sacks, Wall Street Journal, October 2, 2014
Ancient hatred stalks the land once more by Stephen Spencer Ryde, The Independent (U.K.), August 15, 2014
Antisemitism on rise across Europe ‘’in worst times since the Nazis’” by Jon Henley, The Guardian, August 7, 2014
Experts say attacks go beyond Israel-Palestinian conflict as hate crimes strike fear into Jewish communities
Why Do Europeans Increasingly Hate Israel? by Harold Brackman, Louis D. Brandeis Center, August 3, 2014
Why Anti-Zionism Is Modern Anti-Semitism by Benjamin Weinthal, National Review, July 29, 2014
Open Letter to Anti-Semites by Jonathan Bash, The Times of Israel, July 28, 2014
Anti-Judaism, Antisemitism, Delegitimizing Israel: International Conference, Jerusalem, May 25-28, 2014: program videos
Polls Apart: The ADL’s First Survey of “Global Anti-Semitism” by Harold Brackman, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, May 14, 2014
BDS Movement Echoes Germany in the 1930s by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, The Algemeiner, April 28, 2014
Europe’s Alarming Push to Isolate Israel by Alan Dershowitz, Newsmax, March 11, 2014
Educated Mainstream: The Bastion of Western anti-Semitism by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, February 25, 2014
If BDS wins, the Jews are next by Eylon Aslan-Levy, The Times of Israel, February 24, 2014
Why anti-Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic by Eylon Aslan-Levy, The Times of Israel, December 8, 2013
Anti-Semitism Becomes Respectable in D.C. by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, December 1, 2013
Anti-Semitism, A Warning Sign for Europe by David Harris, El Pais, November 29, 2013
Anti-Semitism Surges in Europe by Kenneth L. Marcus, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, November 8, 2013
Understanding The Hatred of Israel by Daniel Frank, The Times of Israel, September 29, 2013
Europe: Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic? by Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute, September 20, 2013
Hatred of Jews by Ali Salim, Gatestone Institute, September 16, 2013
“We Muslims make the mistake of thinking Europeans really care about us, especially about the the Palestinians. We are wrong. Europeans simply hate the Jews more than they hate and fear us. The bitter truth is that Europeans usually intervene in a crisis only if it gives them an opportunity for Jew-bashing.”
Review by Asaf Romirowsky of Antisemitism: A Specific Phenomenon by Clemens Heni, Journal for the Study of Antisemitism, June 2013
How to Survive as a Jew in Sweden by Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, Mosaic, August 2013
Identity Politics, the Pursuit of Social Justice, and the Rise of Campus Antisemitism: A Case Study by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, in Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives, by Alvin H. Rosenfeld (ed.), Indiana University Press, 2013 [also available: Abridged Version]
The Unpleasant Truth about European Anti-Semitism (interview with Manfred Gerstenfeld) by Gary Rosenblatt, New York Jewish Week, July 30, 2013 (see also: The Untold Truth: 150 Million Europeans Hate Israel (an Interview with Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld) by Simon Plosker, Honest Reporting, Part 1, July 1, 2013, and Part 2, July 11, 2013)
Anti-Semitism Is Becoming Fashionable Again, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, May 28, 2013
Blood Libels & BDS, Report to the 2013 Global Forum on Antisemitism, NGO Monitor, May 27, 2013
The Pinkwashing Campaign Against Israel: Another Conspiracy Theory by Alan Dershowitz, Huffington Post, May 1, 2013
International Religious Freedom Report for 2012, U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, May 2013
This report also documents a continued global increase in anti-Semitism. Holocaust denial and glorification remained troubling themes, and opposition to Israeli policy at times was used to promote or justify blatant anti-Semitism. When political leaders condoned anti-Semitism, it set the tone for its persistence and growth in countries around the world. Of great concern were expressions of anti-Semitism by government officials, by religious leaders, and by the media, particularly in Venezuela, Egypt, and Iran. At times, such statements led to desecration and violence.
Faith Complex: “Is it Anti-Zionism or Anti-Semitism?” Prof. Jacques Berlinerblau interviews Hannah Rosenthal, the State Department‘s Special Enjoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism |
The pleasures of antisemitism by Eve Garrard, Fathom, April 26, 2013
Blaming the victim for anti-Semitism by Asaf Romirowsky and Richard Cravatts, Jerusalem Post, April 21, 2013
Video (41’02”): The New Antisemitism, a Keshet production for Israel‘s Channel 2 TV with anchorman Ya’akov Eilon, April 16, 2013
Sadly the Twain Do Meet by Daniel Gordis, Jerusalem Post, April 11, 2013
Anti-Semitism is why the Arab Spring failed by Ahmed Hashemi, The Times of Israel, April 9, 2013
Video (52’57”): Anti-Semitism Today: Dr. Ruth Wisse, Shalom TV, January 7, 2013
“Antisemitism is to be distinguished from mere prejudice or discrimination or intolerance or even hatred. It is a modern political ideology and/or political movement that organizes politics against the Jews. [.…] The organization of politics against the Jews is of a different order from all those other forms of prejudice and bias. [.…] Anti-Zionism is not only co-extensive with antisemitism, it’s a much more concentrated and expanded form of it.” “Far from undergoing defeat when Nazism was defeated in Europe, antisemitism emerged more powerfully than ever in new and improved form, absorbing into itself the negative imagery of its earlier forms, broadening its base of support in the international arena, forging a whole new anti-democratic, anti-Western, anti-liberal coalition with ‘Death to Israel’ instead of ‘Death to the Jews’ as its rallying cry.”
Video: Jew Bashing: New Anti Semitism (4’38”), Vigilance Productions, November 2012
Turn this vile claim on its head by Chas Newkey-Burden, The JC, July 27, 2012: Why the “they-of-all-people” argument is not only condescending and unjust, it’s as anti-Semitic as Holocaust denial.
The war against the Jews by Efraim Karsh, Israel Affairs, July 2012
Attacking Israel Online by Ben Cohen, Commentary, July 2012
Plain and Simple: Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism by David Solway, PJ Media, January 6, 2012
Why Anti-Semitism Is Moving Toward the Mainstream by Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute, January 3, 2012
Projecting Schadenfreude and Cultural AIDS: Norway tries to deal with a wave of Muslims raping Norwegian Infidels by Richard Landes, The Augean Stables, December 5, 2011
“Qaddafi Was a Jew” by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, November 23, 2011
[T]he West’s ability to ignore the Arab world’s pervasive anti-Semitism means it consistently fails to understand the most basic problem facing Arab countries. [….] Arab anti-Semitism matters so desperately – not because of the threat it poses to Israel, though that is real, but because of the threat it poses to Arab countries’ own development.
The Suicidal Passion: Who is damaged more by anti-Semitism — Jews, or those who organize politics against them? by Ruth R. Wisse, The Weekly Standard, Vol. 17, No. 10, November 21, 2011.
[W]hether aimed at the Jews in their dispersion or in their homeland, anti-Semitism and its offshoot anti-Zionism are about the Jews only in the way that fox hunting is about foxes. Those who organize their hunt around the fox consider it the best animal to hunt. Important as it may be to identify those features in the swift little animal that make it the chosen target of those giving chase, any analysis of fox hunting must concentrate on the hunters—their motivations, strategies, implements, goals, and perceived gains. [….] Anti-Semitism is a political instrument—a strategy, an ideology, sometimes a movement that organizes politics against the Jews.
Canada Gets Tough on Anti-Semitism by Avi Benlolo, Huffington Post, September 21, 2011
The Ottawa Protocol to Combat Anti-Semitism is a template for every Canadian to consider. But it is especially a document of significance for universities that have allowed themselves to become vehicles of hatred and complicit in its promotion.
How Anti-Semitism Prevents Peace by David Patterson, Middle East Quarterly, Summer 2011 [PDF]
The Newest Avatar of an Ancient Hatred by Daniel Gordis, Jerusalem Post, August 19, 2011
The Jewish Conspiracy: A Strategic Weapon to Demonize Jews and Delegitimize Israel by Judge Hadassa Ben Itto, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Issue Briefs Vol. 10, No. 38, April 27, 2011
Norway to Jews: You’re Not Welcome Here by Alan Dershowitz, Wall Street Journal, March 29, 2011
Antisemitism Goes Mainstream: Wiesenthal Center to Release “Top 10 Anti-Semitic Slurs” of 2010, Simon Wiesenthal Center, December 15, 2010
New Trends in Arabic Anti-semitism by Henrik Clausen, Middle East Media Research Institute, October 2010 [video]
Europe‘s Anti-Semitism by Samara Greenberg, Jewish Policy Center, October 14, 2010
Edelstein: Anti-Israel reports led to anti-Semitism by Gil Hoffman, Jerusalem Post, September 19, 2010
Europe Reverts to Type by Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, September 14, 2010
What Only The Jews Can Do About Anti-Semitism by Phyllis Chesler, Pajamas Media, August 12, 2010
How to Think About: Jewish Bankers by Michael Kinsley, The Atlantic, January 29, 2010
Dear Helen Thomas, we Jews aren’t getting the hell out of anywhere anymore by Sara K. Eisen, Haaretz, June 10, 2010
Defining Anti-Semitism: Fact Sheet, U.S. Department of State, Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, June 8, 2010
Anti-Semitism and the Free Speech Fallacy by James Sinkinson, FLAME Hotline, May 11, 2010
The Night Yasser Arafat Kissed Me by Walter Russell Mead, American Interest, March 9, 2010
British Anti-Semitism Returns – with a Vengeance by Gabriel Schoenfeld, Weekly Standard, December 28, 2009
Another Year of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israelism in Norway by Manfred Gerstenfeld, Institute for Global Jewish Affairs, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, June 2009
New Research Exposes Undercurrent of Anti-Semitism by Ruth Gledhill, Times [U.K.], April 23, 2009
Anti-Semitism without anti-Semites by Douglas Davis, The Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute, March 22, 2009
Is anti-Zionism hate? by Judea Pearl, Los Angeles Times, March 15, 2009
History‘s oldest hatred by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, March 11, 2009
Let‘s See the “Criticism” of Israel for the Anti-Semitism It Really Is by Howard Jacobson, The Independent (U.K.), February 18, 2009
Dangerous equation by Benjamin Weinthal, Haaretz, December 26, 2008 [anti-Semitism vs. “Islamophobia”]
What‘s in a hyphen? How an innocuous mark justifies antisemitism by Dave Rich, Haaretz, November 9, 2008
The ‘new’ anti-Semitism creeps on college campuses by Loretta Schertz Keller, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, September 26, 2008
Anti-Semitism among Palestinian Authority Academics by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, June 1, 2008
Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism, its Significance and Implications, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC), April 17, 2008
Anti-Semitism is finding new allies on both Right and Left by Michael Gove Times (U.K.), April 1, 2008
The Second Mutation: Israel and Political Anti-Semitism by Kenneth L. Marcus, inFocus, Vol. II, No. 1, Spring 2008
“Over the 60 years of Israel‘s existence, a new strain of anti-Semitism has evolved that targets Israel and Zionism. Virulent attacks on the Jewish state have assumed the trope of a political discourse. This allows such attacks to pass as constitutionally protected and socially-acceptable criticism. In truth, this new form of attack is merely a new adaptation of the age-old virus of anti-Semitism. “
Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress, U.S. Dept. of State, March 2008
Israel, Anti-Semitism, and Free Speech by Bernard Harrison, American Jewish Committee, October 2007 [pdf] Scapegoats yet again by Victor Davis Hanson, The Washington Times, September 15, 2007
“A new virulent strain of the old anti-Semitism is spreading worldwide. This hate — of a magnitude not seen in more than 70 years — is not just espoused by Iran‘s loony president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or radical jihadists. The latest anti-Semitism is also now mouthed by world leaders and sophisticated politicians and academics. Their loathing often masquerades as “anti-Zionism” or “legitimate” criticism of Israel. But the venom exclusively reserved for the Jewish state betrays existential hatred.”
The New Anti-Semitism by Denis MacShane, The Washington Post, September 4, 2007
What the West Should Learn from the Assault on Israel and the Jews by Manfred Gerstenfeld, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, August 1, 2007
Yes, It‘s Anti-Semitic by Eliot A. Cohen, Washington Post, April 5, 2006 [about Walt and Mearsheimer’s “Israel Lobby” thesis]
Human Rights and the New Anti-Jewishness by Irwin Cotler,, February 16, 2004 Graffiti On History’s Walls by Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Jewish World Review, Oct 29, 2003
The Mutation of Antisemitism, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, April 19, 2017