United Nations

Other Resources:

The UN World Court war against the Jews by Anne Bayefsky, The Times of Israel, July 20, 2024

When Hamas welcomes the ‘advisory opinion,’ the rest of the world should immediately realize that anti-Israel bias is at play.

Israel’s Initial Response to OHCHR Background Note, Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, June 2024

Israel Under Fire – Anatomy of a UN Crime against Humanity by Prof. Anne Bayefsky, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 29, 2024

Pillay’s Pogrom: The UN Tells Palestinian Terrorists, “We Have Your Back” by Anne Bayefsky, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 666, October 22, 2023

The UN has blood on its hands: Denying Israel’s right of self-defense must stop by Anne Bayefsky, The Times of Israel, October 15, 2023

It’s time to dismantle the United Nations by Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Syndicate, June 29, 2023

The moral corruption of this global body has knocked the free world off its compass.

UN ‘inquiry’ greenlights Palestinian terror by Anne Bayefsky, The Times of Israel, June 22, 2023

At the anti-Israel hate-fest now underway, one panel member made a comparison to the rights of Ukrainians to resist

‘Not-antisemitism antisemitism’: The Pillay Inquiry and the UN’s newest ruse by Anne Bayefsky, Times of Israel, June 18, 2023

The Human Rights Council is poised to hear results of an inquiry that will claim Jews have ‘reframed antisemitism’

WHO Is Running the Club by Shoshana Bryen, Jewish Policy Center, June 12, 2023

The United Nations’ Jihad Against Israel by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, June 12, 2023

Bombshell U.N. report attacks Israel’s ‘supporters’ worldwide by Anne Bayefsky, Jewish News Syndicate, June 8, 2023

Here Are 800 More Reasons to Question the United Nations by Kenneth L. Marcus, Newsweek, May 12, 2023

The UN Has Proven Itself To Be a Pit of Amorality. Here’s Why. by Shoshana Bryen, Daily Caller, December 6, 2022

UN peddling of false narrative on Israel does not promote Mideast peace by Dan Burton, Washington Times, December 5, 2022

Time for the United Nations to Stop Funding Hate Groups by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Eliot Engel, Newsweek, November 27, 2022

Just as the U.S. led the way in repealing the “Zionism Is Racism” resolution 30 years ago, it should work to shut down the DPR [Division for Palestinian Rights] and the CEIRPP [Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People].

New UN Commission of Inquiry Report a Masterpiece of Modern Antisemitism by Prof. Anne Bayefsky, The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, October 23, 2022

The UN ‘Commission of Inquiry’ into the Israel-Gaza conflict abuses the UN Charter by Alan Baker, Jewish News Syndicate, August 16, 2022

The continued functioning of the commission and the continued engagement of its members places in question the very credibility of the United Nations.

The UN Human Rights Council’s “Commission of Inquiry” Goes Openly Antisemitic by Prof. Anne Bayefsky, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Issue Briefs Vol. 22, No. 17, August 1, 2022

The UNHRC’s diplomatic terrorism by Danny Danon , Israel Hayom, June 15, 2022

The UN Human Rights Council’s latest report on Israel is abhorrent. The investigators should be investigated for their own crimes.

The UN Commission of Inquiry: An Exercise in Historical Revisionism by Prof. Anne Bayefsky, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 656, June 8, 2022

The UN Descent to Its Deepest Depths of Hostility to Israel by Alan Baker, Jewish News Syndicate, January 23, 2022

UNsurprising: The world body keeps up its assault on Israel, New York Daily News (editorial), December 3, 2021

Why is Biden indifferent to a UN celebration of anti-Semitism? by Anne Bayefsky, Jewish News Syndicate, March 25, 2021 (see also The Biden administration is embracing the 20th anniversary of the antisemitic UN Durban conference, Elder of Ziyon, April 27, 2021)

No American administration should have paired a call to combat racism with “recalling the Durban Declaration” or marking a Durban “anniversary.”

The insanity of political naivete by Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Artuz Sheva, March 1, 2021

History shows that hate groups are only emboldened when given legitimacy, and Biden’s return to the United Nations Human Rights Council will be a current example of that truth.

Agenda Item 7: Country Claims and UN Watch Responses, UN Watch, January 29, 2021

An examination of country statements delivered at the United Nations Human Rights Council under the agenda item concerning Israel.

The U.N. is a Major Obstacle to a Two-State Solution in the Mideast by Richard P. Schifter and Gil Kapen, The Jewish News, January 8, 2021

It is time for the Palestinians to join their fellow Arabs in accepting the existence of the State of Israel and negotiating a peace with it

The United Nations stands in the way of Arab-Israeli peace by David May and Richard Goldberg, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Washington Examiner, November 17, 2020

Still stuck in a time warp by Ben Cohen, Jewish News Syndicate, November 6, 2020

Only at the United Nations is the Palestinian question still regarded as the key to regional, if not global, peace, when that view has become an anachronism everywhere else.

What the U.S. Can Do to Advance Israeli-Palestinian Peace by Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky, The National Interest, September 19, 2020

The UN “Blacklist” of Israeli Commercial Enterprises: Should It Be Taken Seriously? by Amb. Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 635, August 10, 2020

How Trump can root out anti-Semitism at the UN by Mark Goldfeder and Gary Epstein, Washington Examiner, February 24, 2020

Turning human rights into a bad joke by Evelyn Gordon, Jewish News Syndicate, February 19, 2020

The U.N. anti-Israel blacklist asserts that the most basic essentials—food, water, transportation, communication—raise “particular human rights concerns.” But if every human activity is a “human rights concern,” then nothing is.

The U.N. General Assembly Is A Joke. But Let’s Take It Seriously. by Shoshana Bryen, The Daily Wire, December 18, 2019

Another UN blow to human rights by Hillel Neuer, New York Post, October 18, 2019

How Israel achieved the impossible at the UN by Ambassador Danny Danon, Israel Hayom, September 24, 2019

The time when the UN was home turf for those who hate and slander Israel is over. We are fighting what might be the most justified battle in the history of the organization.

Video: Hillel Neuer calls out UN rights chief’s anti-Israeli bigotry (3’45”), UN Watch, September 13, 2019

The UN and Israel in the Nikki Haley Era by Jon Lerner, Commentary, April 2019

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations stood up to the most powerful anti-Israel organization in the world

UNHRC: Stand up and Announce Yourself, Jewish Policy Center, March 22, 2019

UNESCO: Why the United States Needs to Watch Out by Shoshana Bryen, Gatestone Institute, October 18, 2018

Nowhere, no-time supervision [of Iran] by David M. Weinberg, Israel Hayom, October 5, 2018

Kushner is right about the United Nations by Dave Harden, The Times of Israel, August 12, 2018

Remarks at a UN Security Council Open Debate on the Middle East, Ambassador Nikki Haley, July 24, 2018

The United States has provided over six billion – with a B – dollars in bilateral assistance to Palestinians. How much have the Arab countries – some of whom are wealthy countries – how much have they given to the Palestinians? It does not come anywhere close to what the United States has done. Words at the United Nations, or actions on the streets and in the schools of Palestinian communities? Which matters more?

History of Bias: The U.N. Human Rights Council, America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), June 2018

Ending The ‘Theater of the Absurd’ At The UNHRC by Gregg Roman, The Hill, June 20, 2018

Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, Ambassador Nikki Haley, February 20, 2018 (see also video, 9’02”)

Video: Amb. Haley Says Hate-Filled Speech Shows Abbas Is Not Ready to Make Peace (8’32”), TheTower.org, January 25, 2018

The U.N. Agency That Keeps Palestinians from Prospering by Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky, The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2018

Israelis Don’t Care How the UN Votes. Here’s Why. by Daniel Gordis, Bloomberg View, December 26, 2017

The Jewish state is secure enough to shrug off the world body’s longstanding rhetorical hostility.

The United Nation Continues To Be A Moral Cesspool by Shoshana Bryen, The Daily Caller, December 23, 2017

Top 10 Most Insane U.N. Anti-Israel Actions of 2017, UN Watch, December 20, 2017 (see also: The Top 10 Most Evil U.N. Actions of 2017, December 25)

UN launches ‘unprecedented’ $1.3 billion legal campaign against Israel by Adam Abrams, JNS.org, October 30, 2017

Anti-Israel Voting by Eric Rozenman, Jewish Policy Center, October 27, 2017

130 Israeli companies, 60 int’l corporations on UN ‘blacklist’ by Itamar Eichner, YNetNews.com, October 26, 2017

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights al-Hussein warns Israeli firms of their inclusion in ‘blacklist’ of companies operating in West Bank, east J’lem, Jordan Valley; list includes prominent companies such as Bezeq, Hot, Ahava, Cellcom, Bank Hapoalim and others; Bezeq CEO scorns ‘entirely anti-Israeli propaganda.’

CEIRPP: A Rejectionist, Hateful Body Fully Funded by The United Nations by Adriana Camisar, The Times of Israel, July 20, 2017 [on the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People]

The United Nations and the State of Israel by Joshua Muravchik, Friends of Israel Initiative, Paper No. 43, June 2017

Israel is ruining the United Nations.

Hillel Neuer testifies in U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on UN Human Rights Council (20’04”), May 25, 2017

Bravo, Ambassador Haley! by David Harris, The Times of Israel, March 22, 2017

Why Trump Should Withdraw the U.S. from the U.N. Human Rights Council by Michael Oren, Newsweek, March 10, 2017

The UNHRC has an inherent anti-Israel bias, says former Israeli ambassador to the United States.

Video: Amb. Nikki Haley: “U.S. is determined to stand up to the UN’s anti-Israel bias” (4’17”), February 19, 2017 (see also text; editorials: Haley’s Comet, The New York Sun, February 16, 2017; US Ambassador to the UN Comes Out Swinging on Israel Bias, The Jerusalem Post, February 20, 2017

Replacing the UN with the Covenant of Democratic Nations by Edwin Black, The Times of Israel, January 30, 2017

Secretary-General’s remarks at Observance of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust [as delivered], January 27, 2017

Don’t Defund the U.N., Just Say ‘Go!’ by Andrew McCarthy, National Review, January 7, 2017

The Dangers of UN Security Council Resolution 2334 by Amb. Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, December 26, 2016

Security Council Res. 2334: Game Changer or Not? by Alex Safian, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), December 25, 2016

Hypocrisy has no shame by David M. Weinberg, The Jerusalem Post, December 22, 2016

Top Ten Most Egregious U.N. Anti-Israel Actions of 2016, UN Watch, December 20, 2016

Ban Ki-moon says UN has ‘disproportionate’ focus on Israel by May Bulman, Independent, December 17, 2016

‘Decades of political maneuvering have created a disproportionate number of resolutions, reports and committees against Israel,’ says Ban Ki-moon

The UN is unable to resist its anti-Israel fix by Amb. Ron Prosor (Jerusalem Post), December 6, 2016

The United Nations General Assembly, the Golan, and Theater of the Absurd by Elliott Abrams, Council on Foreign Relations, December 3, 2016

Video: Debate: Is the UN fair in its treatment of the Israel-Palestine Conflict? (1:33’34”), University College London (UCL), November 30, 2016

Video: The UN Blames Israel… for Saving the World (2’13”), Honest Reporting, November 30, 2016

The UN’s World Health Organization just gave Israel its highest honor. So why did they also single out Israel for condemnation, while ignoring the whole rest of the world?

The UN’s Schizophrenia on Israel by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary,  November 15, 2016

Video: End U.N. Bias Against Israel (1’17”), UN Watch, November 8, 2016

During its 71st session, the U.N. General Assembly is set to adopt 20 resolutions condemning Israel… and 4 condemning the rest of the world combined.

Why UNESCO Shouldn’t Treat Jerusalem as a Weapon by Asaf Romirowsky and Alexander H. Joffe, The National Interest, November 6, 2016

Sacrificing the Temple Mount by Michael J. Koplow, Israel Policy Forum, Koplow Column, October 6, 2016

UNESCO’s repugnance does not have the same terrible daily impact, for instance, as demolishing Palestinian homes that were built without permits that Israel refuses to grant, but it is repugnant nonetheless and must be condemned without qualification. That Judaism’s connection to its holiest and most revered religious site is now the subject of official UN debate is humiliating not only to the UN, but to anyone who respects those pesky little things called facts.

UN Rewrites Jewish History, and Jews Look on the Bright Side by Daniel Gordis, Bloomberg View, October 17, 2016 (see also Erasing the West by Shoshana Bryen, Jewish Policy Center, October 20, 2016)

Report: Recruitment of child terrorists by Palestinians ignored by U.N. by Adam Kredo, The Washington Free Beacon, August 1, 2016 (see also UN Blames Israel for Committing Violations Against Palestinian Children by Max Gelber, United with Israel, August 3, 2016)

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International Have a Problem With Israel by Jeff Robbins, Observer, June 17, 2016

When it comes to the Jewish State, NGO bigs are as biased as the UN

Has the UN Human Rights Council Become Frankenstein? by Hillel C. Neuer, The Jerusalem Post, May 19, 2016

At the UN, ISIS and Israel are equal by Giulio Meotti, Arutz Sheva, March 17, 2016

Open Letter to Ban Ki-Moon on Terrorism and “Human Nature” by Hillel Neuer, UN Watch, February 5, 2016

UN adopts 20 resolutions against Israel, 3 on rest of the world, UN Watch, November 25, 2015

Time to Dismantle the UN Human Rights Council by Jagdish N. Singh , Gatestone Institute, September 24, 2015

Report of the Commission of Inquiry on the Gaza Conflict, United Nations Human Rights Council, June 22, 2015 [see also videos, “This U.N. Council encourages Hamas terror tactics” (2’04”), Col. Richard Kemp; U.S. General Tells U.N. Council Why its Gaza Report is Flawed (1’52”), Maj. Gen. Mike Jones; U.S. law of war expert rips UN Gaza Inquiry Report (2’00”), Lt. Col. Geoffrey Corn; all June 30, 2015]

Ten Ways Israel is Treated Differently by David Harris, The Times of Israel, June 14, 2015 (see also In 9 Years’ Existence, UNHRC Condemned Israel More Times Than Rest of World Combined, UN Watch Briefing Vol. 539, June 25, 2015

The U.N.’s War on Israel by Ron Prosor, The New York Times, March 31, 2015

Why the Schabas Report Will Be Every Bit as Biased as the Goldstone Report by Hillel Neuer, The Tower Issue 24, March 2015

The UN Commission of Inquiry on the Gaza Conflict: A Clear Violation of All Accepted International Rules and Norms Governing Fact-Finding Missions by Amb. Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Issue Brief Vol. 15, No. 4, February 5, 2015

How the UN Mixes Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Israeli War Crimes by Anne Bayefsky, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 605  January-February 2015

Video: Amb. Prosor addresses UN General Assembly on the Question of Palestine (9’32”), November 25, 2014

Video: Anne Bayefsky speaks at the UN about UN antisemitism (6’17”). Eye on the UN, September 8, 2014

Israel’s Man at the United Nations: Can Ron Prosor change the UN from within? By David Frum, The Atlantic, September 24, 2014

Another Palestinian Mistake at the UN by Daniel Gordis, Bloomberg View, August 27, 2014

Stop Giving Money to the U.N.’s Relief Agency for Palestinians by Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky, The New Republic, August 18, 2014 (see also rebuttal, Critics of the United Nations’ Relief Agency in Gaza Don’t Have Their Facts Straight by Matthew Reynolds, The New Republic, August 26, 2014, and follow-up response from Joffe & Romirowsky, The New Republic, August 29, 2014)

The United Nations “Human Rights” Council by Denis MacEoin, Gatestone Institute, August 9, 2014

From Welfare to Warfare by Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky, The American Interest, August 2, 2014

The Deep UN: Inside the Secret Infrastructure of Hate by Ben Cohen, The Tower, May 2014

Israel’s Relationship with the UN Human Rights Council: Is There Hope for Change? by Michal Navoth, Jerusalem Institute for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Viewpoints No. 601, May-June 2014

Video: Antisemitism at the UN, Then and Now (2’25”), Eye on the UN, March 27, 2014

The Truth about the UN (4’38”), Danny Ayalon

Holocaust Remembrance Day — has UN learned anything from history? by Anne Bayefsky, FoxNews.com, January 27, 2014

Video: Why is the U.N. biased? (15’55”) UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer on i24 News, December 8, 2013

The UN’s Absurd Stigmatization of Israel by Judy Bachrach, World Affairs, November 25, 2013

The Hypocrisy of the UN’s Human Rights Council by Joel Brinkley, World Affairs, November 25, 2013

The UN and Israel: A History of Discrimination by Joshua Muravchik, World Affairs, November/December 2013

Hot mic catches UN interpreter saying anti-Israel votes are ‘a bit much’ by Hillel Neuer, The Times of Israel, November 14, 2013

Anti-Semitism is at the root of the UN’s double standards by Anne Bayefsky, FoxNews.com, October 30, 2013

The UN’s Important Work by Joel Brinkley, World Affairs, October 7, 2013

An Open Letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by David Harris, The Huffington Post, August 22, 2013

Video: Camp Jihad (18’31”) by David Bedein, July 20, 2013: An UNRWA-run Palestinian summer camp

Video: Who Else Is Being Injured by the Vilification of Israel? (3’49”), the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, July 17, 2013

Video: Nobel Peace Laureate addressed UN debate on settlements (2’57”), UN Watch Briefing Issue 424, March 18, 2013

UN: Return Golan Residents to Syrian Slaughterhouse “Forthwith” by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, December 21, 2012

Understanding UN Bias Against Israel, The Jerusalem Institute of Justice

The Palestinian UN Upgrade: Setting Things Straight by Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Issue Briefs Vol. 12, No. 29, December 5, 2012

What the UN Palestine Vote Means and What It Doesn’t by Eugene Kontorovich, The Volokh Conspiracy, November 29, 2012

Video: Anti-Semitism of the United Nations (14’56”), Alan Dershowitz at Hudson Institute/Touro College, November 2012

Obama Turns His Back on Israel at the U.N. by Anne Bayefsky, National Review Online, July 2, 2012UN Me

The Granddaddy of Dumb Ideas: Why admitting a Palestinian state to the United Nations would be a terrible move by Aaron David Miller, Slate, January 5, 2012

Palestinian Statehood and International Law by Elizabeth Samson, inFocus Quarterly, Fall 2011

The UN’s Integral Role in Palestinian Rejectionism by Gerald Steinberg and Anne Herzberg, inFocus Quarterly, Fall 2011

Arab Spring Countries Pay the Price for the World’s Palestinian Obsession by Evelyn Gordon, Commentary, September 26, 2011

Multilateral Cooperation Between The United States and Israel: Fighting Delegitimization, Moving Forward Together, Remarks by Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, U.S. Department of State, June 15, 2011

See also critique: The anti-Israel agenda prevails: Obama’s efforts to reform the UN Human Rights Council have failed miserably by Anne Bayefsky, Jerusalem Post, June 20, 2011

How to Block the Palestine Statehood Ploy by John Bolton, The Wall Street Journal, June 3, 2011

Congress can take a cue from Jim Baker in 1989 and threaten to cut U.S. money for the U.N.

A UN Resolution to Recognize a Palestinian State within the “1967 Borders” Would Be Illegal, Letter to the UN Secretary General from lawyers of the Legal Forum for Israel and by Amb. Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, May 25, 2011

Code Red: Syria Could Soon Join UN Human Rights Council by David Harris, The Huffington Post, April 24, 2011

The Palestinians’ Mistake in Seeking Statehood from the UN by Aaron David Miller, The Washington Post, April 14, 2011

In almost two decades of working on Arab-Israeli negotiations as a State Department adviser and negotiator, I’ve come up with more than my fair share of dumb ideas. But the notion Palestinians are cooking up, for U.N. action on Palestinian statehood this fall, takes dumb to a new level.

More Hypocrisy From the U.N., This Time About Terror and Syria by Anne Bayefsky, FoxNews.com, April 18, 2011

The UN Charter Cannot Support GA Resolution 377 by Eli. E. Hertz, Myths and Facts, March 28, 2011

Miral, Israel and AJC by David Harris, The Huffington Post, March 17, 2011

The International Context of the U.S. Veto at the UN Security Council, an interview with Dore Gold by Michael Tuchfeld, translated from Makor Rishon (Hebrew), February 25, 2011

Amidst Mideast Turmoil, Only Israel Galvanizes the UN Into Action by David Harris, The Huffington Post, February 21, 2011

The UN and the Obama Administration on the Wrong Side of History by Anne Bayefsky, Pajamas Media, February 18, 2011UN Priorities

Eleanor’s Dream 1948 to 2008: The State of Human Rights at the United Nations, Testimony of Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, United States Congress,January 25, 2010

How much anti-Semitism is too much? by Anne Bayefsky, The Jerusalem Post, January 15, 2011

Obama’s Moment of Truth at the UN by Steven J. Rosen, Commentary, January 6, 2011

Can the United Nations create a Palestinian state? by Jackson Diehl, The Washington Post, October 26, 2010

Believe It or Not: Israel is the 31st Highest Dues-Paying Country at the UN by David M. Weinberg, October 2, 2010


Will Obama Use His UN Veto? by Steven J. Rosen, Commentary, September 2010

A Tale of Two Cities by Anne Bayefsky, Weekly Standard, April 13, 2010

The Right to Self-Defence: United Nations and the International Court of Justice Evading International Law by Eli E. Hertz, February 16, 2010 [pdf]

The Goldstone Illusion: What the U.N. report gets wrong about Gaza–and war by Moshe Halbertal, The New Republic, November 6, 2009

The UN Gaza Report: A Substantive Critique, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs [pdf] [An expanded text of Ambassador Dore Gold’s presentation during an exchange with Justice Richard Goldstone at Brandeis University on November 5, 2009]

United Nations of Hypocrisy by Joseph J. Honick

  • Part I, Huntington News, October 24, 2009
  • Part II, Huntington News, October 26, 2009

Statement by H.E. Aharon Leshno Yaar, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva, 12th Regular Session, United Nations Human Rights Council, September 29, 2009

At the UN, Terrorism Pays by Ehud Barak, The Wall Street Journal, September 25, 2009


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speech at the United Nations, September 24, 2009

UN report a victory for terror by Michael Oren, The Boston Globe, September 24, 2009

Goldstone Report Is a Barrier to Peace by Alan Dershowitz, Hudson New York, September 22, 2009

UN Investigation of Israel Discredits Itself and Undercuts Human Rights, by Alan M. Dershowitz, Hudson New York, September 16, 2009

UN Must Hold U.S. to Same Standard as Israel by Ari Shavit, Haaretz, September 16, 2009

At the UN’s new site, a a worldwide web of anti-Israel bias by Anne Bayefsky, New York Daily News, September 7, 2009

UN: Israel Must Tear Down West Bank Barrier by Eli E. Hertz, Myths and Facts, July 10, 2009 (Is the ICJ Guilty of Deliberate Fraud or Criminal Ignorance – or Both?)

Feeble UN Caves to Strongman’s Bile by Rosie Dimanno, Toronto Star, April 22, 2009

The UN’s obsession with demonizing Israel by Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe, November 30, 2008

The UN, Israel and racism: At risk of early derailment, The Economist, November 27, 2008

Defining Jew-Hatred Down: The curious response to Ahmadinejad at the U.N. by Matthias Küntzel, The Weekly Standard, Volume 14, Issue 9, November 17, 2008

Different Rockets, Same U.N. by Robert Ivker, Palestinian Rocket Report, August 27, 2008

UN-speakable hypocrisy by Anne Bayefsky, New York Daily News, June 2, 2008

Watching the Threats Grow?, The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, JINSA Report #767, April 29, 2008

Ahmadinejad at the U.N., Washington Times editorial, September 18, 2007
“It is a disgrace to the founding principles and mission of the United Nations that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be allowed to speak before the body next week during the gathering of its General Assembly.”

Banned Speech: Hillel Neuer Takes on U.N. Human Rights Council, delivered by Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, March 26, 2007

The Israel-Bashing Club by Daniel Schwammenthal, The Wall Street Journal, September 3, 2007

Iran on anti-racism committee by Yaakov Lappin, Ynetnews.com, August 23, 2007: Islamic Republic selected by UN for ‘leading position’ to plan anti-racism conference

Audio (24’35”): U.S. Ambassador to the UN Daniel Patrick Moynihan on UN Resolution 3379 equating Zionism with racism, November 1975 (with transcript)