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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Three Narratives

What is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict all about? The answer is not as straightforward or unambiguous as it might seem. Like the old parable of the blind men and the elephant, there are multiple and divergent answers to this question. Each answer is based on historical truths and strong passions—and each points to a completely different path in the quest for progress and, hopefully, eventual peace.

This session explores, without judging or taking sides, the facts and the underlying emotions of three different perspectives on the conflict. It explains the Israeli right-wing/settler version, the Palestinian/refugee version, and the international/two-state version. It offers a baseline for a deeper understanding and engagement, for dialog and debate. And it also clearly explains why the conflict has been so intractable for so long!

If you are familiar with the basic issues of the conflict, learn how others see it. And if you aren’t really sure where to start, you’ll find some possible angles to consider.


“This talk should be a required presentation for all members of the incoming administration’s State Department!” –Attendee, January 2017